• Full featured 3D Touchscreen CNC control
  • Up to 6 axes interpolated movement (3 standard)
  • High speed DSP motion control for precise timing & interpolation
  • Backup Control on a thumb drive
  • Brushless AC motors and digital drives
  • 17 bit (131072 ppr) scalable encoder feedback
  • Standard G & M Code (RS-274) programming
  • Customizable M-Codes
  • Custom buttons to control peripherals available upon request
  • USB (thumb drive or other) & Ethernet file transfer
  • Visual G-Code display & editor
  • Fully customizable interface tailored to your machine
  • Up to 49 inputs (2 analog) 8 wired standard & 36 outputs (2 analog) 8 wired standard
  • MPG/Jog Handwheel pendant (optional)
  • Large touchscreen w/3D part graphics
  • Interactive Part Programming assist (IPP)*
Some of the helpful IPP's:
  • Pockets
  • Gear Cutting
  • Digitizing
  • Bolt Hole Patterns
  • Slots and Keyways
  • Text Engraving
  • Many Standard Shapes
  • Surfacing
  • Thread Milling
  • Electronic Connectors
  • Much More

*IPP allows users to quickly generate G-Code programs for many standard shapes, hole patterns, pockets, etc.

Optional Acessories

Keyboard (Stand alone or embedded in Operator Panel)

WirelessJog Handwheel

G and M-Codes
G0 Rapid positioning
G1 Linear interpolation
G2 Clockwise circular/helical interpolation
G3 Counterclockwise circular/Helical interpolation
G4 Dwell
G10 Coordinate system origin setting
G12 Clockwise circular pocket
G13 Counterclockwise circular pocket
G15/G16 Polar Coordinate moves in G0 and G1
G17 XY Plane select
G18 XZ plane select
G19 YZ plane select
G20/G21 Inch/Millimeter unit
G28 Return home
G28.1 Reference axes
G30 Return home
G31 Straight probe
G40 Cancel cutter radius compensation
G41/G42 Start cutter radius compensation left/right
G43 Apply tool length offset (plus)
G49 Cancel tool length offset
G50 Reset all scale factors to 1.0
G51 Set axis data input scale factors
G52 Temporary coordinate system offsets
G53 Absolute machine coordinate system
G54 Use fixture offset 1
G55 Use fixture offset 2
G56 Use fixture offset 3
G57 Use fixture offset 4
G58 Use fixture offset 5
G59 Use fixture offset 6
G59 P... Fixture offsets 1-254
G61/G64 Exact stop/Constant Velocity mode

G68/G69 Rotate program coordinate system
G70/G71 Inch/Millimeter unit
G73 Canned cycle - peck drilling
G80 Cancel motion mode 
G81 Canned cycle - drilling
G82 Canned cycle - drilling with dwell
G83 Canned cycle - peck drilling
G85/G86/G88/G89 Canned cycle - boring
G90 Absolute distance mode
G90.1 Absolute IJK mode
G91 Incremental distance mode
G91.1 Incremental IJK mode
G92 Offset coordinates and set parameters
G92.x Cancel G92 etc.
G93 Inverse time feed mode
G94 Units Per Min.
G98 Rapid Height By Z Height
G99 Rapid Height By R Height
Program Stopping and Ending - M0, M1, M2, M30
Spindle Control - M3, M4, M5
Tool change - M6
Coolant Control - M7, M8, M9
Re-Run From First Line - M47
Override Control - M48 and M49
Call Subroutine - M98
Call Subroutine - M98
Macros for Auxiliary Functions
Macros Used In Mill Wizards
Macros Used In Lathe Wizards
Probing Overiew
Probing Macros
Tool-Setter Macros
Probe Measuring Macros

G-Code file

waterjet, plasma


Mill retrofit with stand alone touchscreen operator panel